Antisemitism on Campus

By The Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center: Fall 2023 (other events)

Tuesday, November 21 2023 6:30 PM 7:30 PM EDT
  • “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” and other heinous antisemitic messages projected onto Jon M. Huntsman Hall at the University of Pennsylvania.
  • Threats of murder, rape and mass shooting of Jewish students, with the statement “rats need to be eliminated” at Cornell University.
  • Messages protesting “Zionist genocide” and extolling Hamas “martyrs” projected onto the library at George Washington University.
  • Students assaulted for putting up Israeli hostage posters at Columbia University.
  • Students offered extra credit to attend a walkout against Israel at UC Berkeley.
  • Stanford University: a lecturer instructing Jewish students to gather their belongings and stand in the corner because "this is what Israel does to the Palestinians.”
  • Harvard University: 31 student groups signing an open letter blaming Israel “entirely” for Hamas's acts of terror.


As we all confront the rising hatred, we invite you to a special virtual program to discuss how universities are — and are not — addressing antisemitism and where we can go from here.

Opening session with Professor Lawrence H. Summers, President Emeritus of Harvard and former US Secretary of the Treasury. 

Followed by a panel discussion with: 

Erwin Chemerinsky
Dean, Berkeley Law School

Dr. Shai Davidai
Faculty, Columbia University

Rabbi Isabel de Koninck

Executive Director and Campus Rabbi at Drexel Hillel

Zoe Bernstein
Senior at Cornell, president of Cornellians for Israel

Moderated by Jeff Zucker, former president of CNN Worldwide and CEO of NBCUniversal.

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